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Oct. 7 Anibal Sanchez postgame interview

Q. That was not characteristic of the season you had. What happened?

ANIBAL SANCHEZ: I would like to know what happened. Today, like I said yesterday, they got a pretty good team. They come in really great on my off pitch, didn't work really well today. Try to be aggressive all the time and, you know, I think it's part of the game.

I never got in that situation, even like a couple of home runs during the whole season and it happened today, but it's something that I wanted to do is keep the score close, get something close for the team and get a chance to win.

Q. Anibal, when you're looking to make adjustments, was it your release point that you were trying to make adjustments on, or was your curveball not there today?

ANIBAL SANCHEZ: It's not about one pitch was there or something like that. Today it was something about location. My location, I think the pitch was in the middle, high, and they took that. The only pitch that was a homer was against Josh Reddick and he pretty good. The rest of the guys, I just missed a couple of pitches.

Q. You have done a good job this season of not giving up home runs. Today three. Why do you think that was?

ANIBAL SANCHEZ: I don't know. The pitch against Moss was a change up. They both stayed up. It's the same way with Smith, sinker in the middle. He stayed there. He's a fastball hitter, Smith. I don't keep the ball down, something that I have to do today.

Q. On the Seth Smith home run, were you focused on Yoenis Cespedes at first base? You threw over 80 times. Did that affect your pitch to Smith?

ANIBAL SANCHEZ: I tried to keep Yoenis Cespedes close on the base. I don't think, like, give a chance to the hitter. But like I say, I missed a spot. I threw the two seam in the middle and Seth Smith is a fastball hitter and he hit to the long side of the park.

Q. Are you aware of Smith's history with you? Of all the guys you face, he hits you pretty well. He had three homers against you. Do you know that in your head when you're facing him, Okay, I often have trouble with this guy, and do you pitch him any differently on account of that?

ANIBAL SANCHEZ: I think right now they swing pretty hard all of the ones, not just Smith. You have to take care of everyone, everybody.

But I know what you say, I got the situation against Smith. He's a good hitter. All those guys, I try to keep my ball down, like everyone, keep my off pitch out there. I missed the spot with the two seamer. I tried to keep it outside and get a ground ball for a double play, but it's not something that happened on that pitch.

Q. I don't imagine that the teams panic level is too high. You guys have been in this situation before. But what's the mood like in the locker room and how do you go about responding tomorrow?

ANIBAL SANCHEZ: Nothing is over, nothing is over. Tomorrow, it's another day, another chance. We need to keep working, keep the pitch and throw, get some hits and make some runs. We need to keep fightin'. Nothing is over yet.

Q. How difficult is it to go all year and pitch in a rhythm, a certain number of days, certain number of days, and then you get to the most important part of the year and you're off for a week. You fly out to Oakland, don't do anything and get on a plane and come back here, and you only get one crack at it, to pitch. It's not the rhythm that you're in all year. Does any of that play into what happened here today?

ANIBAL SANCHEZ: Yeah, like I say, all the time I got good preparation for facing anything. I got good rest for being here today, throw a good game. I tried to be aggressive from the beginning of the game, and, you know, it's what it is. At the end, it's part of the game.

They have pretty good players, pretty good hitters and it's not something that I'm outside of myself. At the end it's part of the game.


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