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Robinson Cano and Jose Reyes Interview March 12

Q.  Robinson, could you describe for me your situation?  Everything is going all right.

ROBINSON CANO:  (From Spanish) well, first of all, I give thanks to God.  First of all, I feel well, which is important.  And everything is coming out, not only me but the team.  It's important to do the things that are important in baseball.

Q.  Three hits, two total in the Classic.  Now you are the player with the most hits in the Classic for the Dominican Republic.

ROBINSON CANO:  (From Spanish) oh, I just found out, but that's not what I have in mind, to think of any record or anything like that.  My interest is to win and the interest is in the team, and I'm proud to be in the team and a leader.  We're really having a good time.

Q.  Robinson, did you get spiked on that play with Punto?  You looked maybe a little surprised or maybe a little upset on that slide.

ROBINSON CANO:  Yeah, I was upset because it was the third time in a game.  I don't care if you slide in a double play, but when it's a force out at second base, the last thing you want is to get hurt like that.  They're passing the base.  If I'm in the middle, I don't care.  He says like, you know, I don't want to hurt you, but that's the third time.  I don't want anybody to get me hurt or anything like that because they just want to slide hard.

Q.  He said something to you.

ROBINSON CANO:  Yeah, I was looking at him saying Rob, you know I don't want to get you.  I was mad.  If it's a double play and he's trying to make it down, I don't care.

Q.  4‑0 after the first inning, what did you talk about inside the dugout because you looked very intense throughout the whole game?

JOSE REYES:  (From Spanish) you know in baseball there are different things that happen, but our team never lowered our heads.  We were aware that the game was 4‑0, but with the talent that we put in and the energy, no, they could not put 50 runs and we would not lower our head.

ROBINSON CANO:  Yes, it's a team that has great talent and they did a great job.  It is difficult to begin 4‑0, but thank God, as I said, the talent, the great energy on our team, we never gave up, and thank God our pitching was able to hold them back.

Q.  Robby, you won a World Series in New York in '09, but when you scored that go‑ahead run, I don't know that I've ever seen a celebration on the field in the middle of a game like you guys did.  I mean, the emotion on the team has to be extraordinary at this point as you're building towards the goal of winning this thing.

ROBINSON CANO:  Well, the problem is that you're down by four in the first inning and you come in the seventh inning and score a run and you go up by one.  So I mean, you get so excited, especially in a situation like this.  There's no tomorrow here, so you've got to play every day like it's your last game and you've got to win.

Q.  Is this more exciting for you than the World Series?

ROBINSON CANO:  Well, I would say both (laughter).

Q.  Robby, did this team give you more than you expected?  And a two‑part question, I know Barry was talking about the excitement, but is it fun to play with a little bit more like ‑‑ the Yankees have a certain way, but here you can really become a little bit more excite believe?  Is it a little bit more fun playing this style?

ROBINSON CANO:  Well, I mean, it's a different style the way we play here than we play in New York.  Here you get to be ‑‑ you see how we get outside of the dugout.  That's something you never see in the Big Leagues, so the guy scoring in the dugout you celebrate in there.  Here we get a chance to come out and just be able to give high five to the guys.  We can jump.  Nobody sees you trying to show somebody up.  It's more about like the way you've got the guys, the chemistry on the team, young guys, veteran.  We're all excited to be here and we've all got one mission to win.

Q.  Were they better than you expected?

ROBINSON CANO:  Well, no, we know what we've got.  But it's like things happen, for us right now the right way and the way we want it.

Q.  Robinson, the happiness for the Classic, you belong to a very demanding team that is going through a very bad time.  Everybody is injured, even the general manager.

ROBINSON CANO:  (From Spanish) first of all, I hold on to God.  Also, you cannot get negative when you do the training, just like with training you have to go out there and play and remain positive the whole time.

Q.  The chemistry that you talked about, you look so good together.  I wonder if sometime you have played together.

ROBINSON CANO:  (From Spanish) I think we played the last Classic, yes.  Not because he's here now, but for me I'm proud to play with someone like Reyes who's always happy.  Hey, this guy has too much inside him, let me get to the same level as he is, get really with people who have that excitement, that eagerness to play.  He's always on a high, laughing.

Q.  They say that this is not good for the Classic because you guys are not totally in shape.  How did you train to be in such great shape for this Classic?

JOSE REYES:  (From Spanish) thank God I started training in November because I knew the challenge that was coming.  A lot of people were saying, oh, they played in Dominican before the Classic.  I don't believe that.  If you start early, training every day, you'll be ready, and we are ready both to help this team the best we can.

ROBINSON CANO:  For me, I'm like José.  I always think of November the 5th.  Nothing has changed.  The one who tries hard gets good results.  If you're in the winter, you prepare physically knowing that you'll play the Classic in March.  Your attitude changes, your body gets ready.

Q.  José, it's been a long time since you've played here in the Marlins' park.  Any emotion when you come back home?

JOSE REYES:  (From Spanish) I'm extremely happy to come back to this park.  Since last year I played here, and the fans supported me very well.  I came here because it's the Dominican Republic, understanding that I played here before, but I came out to the field today to help my homeland.

Q.  Robinson, obviously it's your day off and you don't know your rifle for the next game.  How do you handle that rest that you have tomorrow?

ROBINSON CANO:  (From Spanish) well, first of all, we have the full night.  What you have to do to try to enjoy, to come out today, to rest tomorrow, knowing that Wednesday you have the game and come here ready.