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Storen Puts Twitter Handle on Glove

One of the best parts of being here in the MLB Fan Cave, and the process that led to this opportunity, has been interacting with fellow fans via social media. Twitter has been the main way I've been able to reach out to a wide audience of not only Atlanta Braves fans, but fans of Major League Baseball and the MLB Fan Cave. Twitter is also a great way to keep up with MLB players, as well as gain a little insight on their lives beyond the field of play. And it seems as if more and more players are getting on Twitter and using it to connect with fans.

Case in point: Washington Nationals closer Drew Storen. While Storen may not be new to the social media trend, he has added a new wrinkle to it. He now has his Twitter handle (@DrewStoren) stitched into the back of his glove. How cool is that?

One of my biggest thrills in my experiences with Twitter was having Braves reliever Kris Medlen reply to me. For a Major League player to actually respond to you personally is an exciting feeling. And that pales in comparison to having Brandon Phillips show up at your little league game or Jeremy Guthrie asking you to play catch with him.

Like anything else, Major League Baseball has evolved with the times. As the new wave of younger players continues to enter the league, the more I feel this trend will grow. I mean, Storen's PARENTS are even on Twitter. I think Storen's idea is awesome and certainly deserving of a follow. What do you think? Tweet me @SkippinsYNN and @MLBFanCave and let me know.