
Beat the Streak Frequently Asked Questions

What is Beat the Streak?

Beat the Streak is a free-to-play contest where fans predict an MLB player to get a hit. If fans build a streak of 57 correct picks (beating baseball’s famous 56-game hitting streak), they could win $5.6 Million. You must be 21 or older to participate in Beat the Streak. See Beat the Streak’s Official Rules here.

What is the deadline to submit my Beat the Streak batter pick?

Picks must be in five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled start of the MLB game in which the pick is scheduled to appear. For example, if an MLB game is scheduled for 1:05 p.m. ET on 5/1/2024, picks for any of the players in that game must be in by 1:00 p.m. ET on 5/1/2024. Once the deadline passes, we consider your picks “locked” in.

If I pick two batters for the same day using Double Down, but only one batter gets a hit, what happens?

It depends on the outcome of your other pick. See the “Double Down Feature” section of Beat the Streak’s Official Rules for the possible outcomes.

I picked two batters in a Double Down and only one has started his game; can I change the other?

No, you cannot change your Double Down after the earlier of the picks has locked. See the Official Rules for more detail.

What does “Pass” mean?

Beat the Streak allows you to keep your Streak at its then-current level (rather than break and revert to zero) under certain limited conditions that we call a Pass. One example is if the batter you picked never entered the game. See the “Scoring” section of the Official Rules for details on all Pass scenarios.

What is the “% chance to hit” feature about?

We provide hit probability estimates from our unique prediction model. These numbers aren’t guarantees, of course. Use your own judgment to make your best prediction!

What is a Streak Saver and how do I get one?

Streak Saver is a special, one-time way for your Streak to continue when it would have otherwise ended. When your Streak is at least 10 and no more than 15, if your pick fails to hit (or Pass), Streak Saver will “save” your Streak and keep it at its then current number. Streak Saver is automatically available for all fans. No action required! But Streak Saver will only make such a save once during the entire season. After Streak Saver saves your Streak, it is no longer available and will not save your future Streaks. See the Official Rules for more detail.

Why can’t I see picks that my friends have made?

Picks made by your friends are not visible to you until your own picks lock.

What do the different leaderboards for Beat the Streak show?

We’ve added more ways to see how you stack up against friends and other fans. Choose Friends then Current Streak, All Season, and All Time to see your place against your friends for active Streaks, best Streak this year, and if you or any of your friends are in the Top 100 Streaks of all time. Choose All and then one of those tabs to see the same views, but against every fan in Beat the Streak.