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Chat transcript with D-backs CEO Hall

D-backs President and CEO Derrick Hall interacted with fans during a live web chat and addressed the team's bullpen issues, supporting the Yarnell firefighters and more.

Derrick_Hall: Good afternoon everyone. Rough series, but it is behind us and the guys will rally.

bxrfrk: Will there be any focus on getting help with our pitching, particularly the bullpen, before the trade deadline?

Derrick_Hall: Kevin Towers will talk to every team as he does every year this time to see how we can improve. It is a balancing act though, as we want to hold on to our minor league assets. We do not want to sacrifice the future.

tomsawyer: The new jerseys with the Arizona wordmark are great. I'd love to buy one that is not game-worn. Will that style ever be produced for sale like the others?

Derrick_Hall: We will have replica T-shirts for sure. As for the jerseys, before we decided to auction them off, we let fans know that would be the only way to get them. It would not be right to those who are spending so much money for a great cause, but we will certainly revisit. I agree, the uniforms are terrific and we may need to think about adding a similar one to the rotation in the near future.

larry011: What are you doing to secure starting pitchers that can last longer than four innings? Without some new pitchers we are likely to drop like a rock.

Derrick_Hall: Our starters are actually coming around nicely. Miley seems to be back, McCarthy is getting close, and over the weekend our starters went eight innings in three-consecutive days.

DeadmanGold: What is your take on our bullpen issues?

Derrick_Hall: Not pleased with the blown saves just like our fans. For an area that was supposed to be one of our strengths, they have struggled far more than expected. Ziegler has been outstanding, as has Collmenter. It is nice to see J.J.'s arm strengthening with the success he has had his last few outings. Let's hope they all click again. David and Heath have tremendous velocity right now, so the focus will be on location and secondary pitches. But they are pros and just want to win.

aztstorm: Do we anticipate having Matt Reynolds back during the second half? His presence in the 'pen is sorely missed!

Derrick_Hall: He is currently resting before rehab begins. We hope to, but the injury is going to require quite a bit of time off.

red_leader: How do you see Adam Eaton working into the outfield? Replacing Ross or Kubel? Hopefully not Parra!

Derrick_Hall: It is nice to have all of these options. Eaton provides a spark for this team, as does Parra. We have a good mix of speed, power and defense out there.

red_leader: Would the team consider selling T-shirt style jerseys with the Yarnell 19 memorial design on them? I know I would buy one.

Derrick_Hall: Absolutely. We are looking at the possibility of that, as well as the uniforms we are currently wearing.

jamiller1: I like the way you supported Yarnell.

Derrick_Hall: Thank you. I am very proud of the way our staff and our fans rallied together during this time of need. Our fans are very classy. Together we have already raised over $600,000 for the cause, and we will keep going through the homestand.

az1dbacks: Has MLB established the date, time, and locations where we will be able to purchase tickets for next seasons Opening Day games in Australia?

Derrick_Hall: There will be a special site at with information. I would also recommend fans become registered users on to receive additional information. We will always update at

red_leader: Just wanted to say thanks for continuing to host these chat sessions. It's awesome to be able to communicate with team leadership like this and to hear from you directly on so many different subjects. Go D-backs!

Derrick_Hall: I really appreciate that. It is especially important to speak with fans at a time like this. The amazing fact is we have been in first place since May 17. We just need to find a way to stay there. Our baseball staff is working hard.

Derrick_Hall: We have run out of time. I really appreciate all of you joining us today. Kevin and his staff are hard at work for all of you. This team is a great group of guys who want to win and have not even really gone on their run yet. The break is coming at a perfect time for rest, then it is on to the second half with more home games than any other team. We hope to see you all out at Chase Field. Go D-backs!

Read More: Arizona Diamondbacks