Marlins add Shine to coaching staff to monitor replays

JUPITER, Fla. -- Expanded instant replay has prompted the Marlins to add to their coaching staff.
The organization has hired Pat Shine as its Major League administrative coach to assist in the instant-replay process.
Shine will work closely with Cullen McRae, the club's longtime video coaching coordinator. The two will be in the video room during games, reviewing possible plays to challenge.
McRae's responsibilities require him to log every pitch and play, and Shine will concentrate more on plays that could be reviewed.
"He's coming in and he's going to help C-Mac down there," manager Mike Redmond said. "He's another set of eyes."
Shine technically will be part of the coaching staff.
MLB allows teams to carry a seventh coach, and it could be in a variety of roles. For instance, some clubs use it to add a second hitting coach.
Shine has a coaching background, having been an associate head baseball coach at California-Irvine. He's also coached at UCLA, and he was the head coach at Division II Cal-State Los Angeles.
With the Marlins, he will be in uniform pregame, assisting throwing batting practice. He also will help out in the batting cages.
When the games start, he will be in the video room, and he will be in touch with bench coach Rob Leary, who will relay messages to Redmond.
"[Shine] will help throw batting practice, and he is going to be like a staff assistant as well," Redmond said. "It gives us two guys to work the system."
On Thursday, the Marlins will travel to Lakeland to face the Tigers. It will be their first Grapefruit League game where instant replay will be used. Shine will make the trip.
"Hopefully, we'll have a couple of plays where we can go through the process," Redmond said.