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Oct. 25 Ned Yost postgame interview

Q. In the 6th inning after Dyson singles, what are the pros and cons of bunting, having Aoki hit away ...  

NED YOST: My thought was Nori's been swinging the bat pretty decent for us. I was going to bunt with Escobar. I wasn't going to play for one run there. I was going to try to play for two. Nori can hit the ball to all fields, so we were looking for him to do that, and he just hit the ball straight to first base and into a double play.

Q. When the Giants went up 6 4, were you thinking about bringing up one of your HDH guys or were you conceding the ballgame at that point?

NED YOST:  No, I wasn't conceding nothing, but I wasn't going to put my boys in that ballgame either down two. I've been going to the whip on those guys. I've got to have them for three more games. So they've got to be at their best.

If I'm pitching those guys    I mean, I've thrown Herrera. I was going to throw Herrera in the 7th inning with the score tied, and I would had thought long and hard about it being down one, but I probably would have done it. But once they scored three in the sixth, they were out of the equation, unless we climbed back in the game.

Q. You were up 4 1 coming off last night's win. You looked like you were rolling, and then what happens? All of a sudden    you're obviously feeling pretty good in that situation?

NED YOST:  Not really, no. The game was really early. We were, I think it was like the 3rd inning, and we still had a lot of game to play. I've got a lot of respect for the Giants. I don't ever feel good even with the lead until we make the last out. So I knew that we had to continue to try to find ways to get outs and try to get to the 7th inning, tied or with the lead, to get to our main guys.

Q. We all know Panda's really difficult to pitch to, but you turned him around twice. Clearly statistically right handed he doesn't hit as well. 5th and 6th inning both against the lefties and he gets you.

NED YOST:  Clutch hitter. What are you going to say about that? I thought we had the situation right in the palm of our hand. We walked Posey. Pence smoked a ball right to Escobar. We got the play at the plate. We thought about playing back, but in the first inning I thought Pence hit a tailor made double play ball to Moustakas. Made a great turn to Infante. He made a great turn to first and still beat it out.

So, okay, let's play the infield halfway. Anything hit, we're going to cut the run off at the plate, and then we got Sandoval up. We all know the difference between right and left handed averages. He was just clutch right there. He did a great job of hitting the ball right up the middle with the bases loaded and it was just a great at bat. Won the ballgame for them.

Q. Because this was the first one in World Series history with the challenge, can you just address the replay challenge and how you felt that it was.

NED YOST: I couldn't tell, right? And Wak got on the phone and our replay guy said, "Look, this is really close. It's worth a try." It was the 6th inning, I think, at that point. You don't have to anything to lose trying it.

It wasn't as close as he thought it was. When I looked up there    you know, Wak said, "It's really, really close. Let's give it a shot." And I said, "All right." And I looked at the replay and I said, "That's not close," but it was worth a shot.

Q. Overall how do you feel with the fact that basically it's a three game series now. You have your best relievers resting tonight. How do you feel going forward?

NED YOST:  I always feel good with this group. They've been playing great baseball. We got a really tough challenge tomorrow with Bumgarner. But everybody in our locker room thinks they've got a tough challenge with Shields.

We got our tails whipped today, but it's Game 4 of the World Series. We're tied 2 2, how much more fun can that be? There is nothing better in the world. I've never felt so good about getting my tail whooped in my life, because I'm sitting here thinking it's Game 4. It's tied 2-2. This is a phenomenal series. It's exciting. It's fun, and we've got another great game tomorrow that we get to play.

So really looking forward to it.

Q. What did you see from Duffy and Finnegan tonight? And just in general, you've alluded to this before, but how important is it to have a bridge to your bridge to the closer?

NED YOST:  Yeah, it's pretty important. I thought that Vargy just    I didn't feel like he was super sharp tonight, but he does what he does; he competes. I was really trying to get him through that 5th inning, because I knew I'd have a hole there somewhere if we couldn't get him through.

But with the two run lead at that point, we decided to bring in Frasor. Ended up giving up a base hit to Pence to make it 4 3. Wanted to turn Panda around and hold that score right there, and try to find some way to get through the 6th inning to get to Kelvin.

It just didn't work tonight. It doesn't work every night, you know. Most nights we do a pretty good job doing it. It just didn't work tonight.

Q. The momentum swings in this series it just seems like it's really tough to predict what's going to happen. Do you get the feeling this is going to go seven games?

NED YOST:  Oh, man, somewhere inside of me secretly I had hoped that it would go seven games for the excitement and the thrill of it. Sure looks that way.

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