The Pirates, Pirates Charities, and Allegheny Health Network hosted a special Cancer Support Night at PNC Park in partnership with the Arnold and Winnie Palmer Foundation. The night included a superhero themed VIP (Very Important Pirate) party for pediatric cancer patients and their families where every superhero received a Magic Yarn Project 'hat,' special cape presented to them during an onfield ceremony by a Pirates player or coach. Following, pediatric cancer guests took part in an "Arnie's March," a signature Arnold and Winnie Palmer Foundation event to raise funds and awareness in the fight against childhood cancer, on their way to watch the game from a World Series Suite, courtesy of PNC Bank.
This also marked the fourth consecutive year that MLB and its Clubs raised awareness for the fight against childhood cancer by having all Major League players, coaches, umpires and grounds crew wear gold ribbon decals and wristbands.
Leading up to Cancer Support Night, Pittsburgh Pirates players, coaches, front office staff, and mascots visited three local hospitals to distribute Love Your Melon hats and Starlight Brave Gowns to oncology patients. Love Your Melon supports their nonprofit partners work to fight pediatric cancer, fund cancer research initiatives, and provide immediate support of families for children battling cancer, while Starlight GownsTM make kids feel like superstars by replacing typical hospital garments with high-quality, comfortable and brightly colored gowns.