Public Transportation

Public Transportation


Rate Field is easily accessed via public transportation. The area is serviced by CTA's Red Line and Green Line, a Metra/Rock Island stop and a number of bus routes.

For CTA information, visit For Metra information, visit

For other public transportation information, call 312-836-7000.


Fans taking the CTA to the game during the White Sox Baseball season should follow the directions below.

From the North Michigan Avenue/Downtown Areas

From any Red Line subway station along State Street (Chicago, Grand, Lake, Washington, Monroe or Jackson), board a southbound Red Line 95th/Dan Ryan train and follow the instructions above.

From the South Side

Board a northbound Red Line Howard train and follow the instructions above.

From the Southwest Side

Board a northbound Orange Line Loop train to Roosevelt. Descend the stairs or elevator to the transfer tunnel to the Red Line subway. Board a southbound Red Line 95th/Dan Ryan train and follow the instructions above.

From the North Side

Board a southbound Red Line 95th/Dan Ryan train and follow the instructions above.

From Ogilvie (North Western) Transportation Center

Use the Washington St. Exit. Board an eastbound #20 Madison or #56 Milwaukee bus and obtain a transfer. Exit the bus at State St. Descend the stairs or elevator to the Monroe Red Line station. Board a southbound Red Line 95th/Dan Ryan train and follow the instructions above.

From Union Station (Amtrak & Metra)

From the west side of Canal St., board a #1 Indiana/Hyde Park or #151 Sheridan bus and obtain a transfer. Exit the bus at State St. Descend the stairs or elevator to the Jackson Red Line station. Board a southbound Red Line 95th/Dan Ryan train and follow the instructions above.

From Randolph Street, Van Buren Street or Roosevelt Road Stations (Metra & South Shore)

Walk west two-three blocks to State St. Descend the stairs or elevator to the Red Line station. Board a southbound Red Line 95th/Dan Ryan train and follow the instructions above.

From Lasalle Street Station (Metra)

Use the LaSalle St. exit (east exit) from the station. Walk east three blocks along Van Buren St. to State St. Descend the stairs or elevator to the Jackson Red Line station. Board a southbound Red Line 95th/Dan Ryan train and follow the instructions above.

Metra/Rock Island

Metra's 35th Street "Lou" Jones Station along the Rock Island line provides an easy walk to White Sox home games at Rate Field. Weekday post-game outbound trains depart 35th Street Station at 9:52 p.m. and 11:22 p.m. For other times, check

From LaSalle Street Station (Van Buren and LaSalle Streets)

Take a Rock Island train and get off at the 35th Street/"Lou" Jones Station, then walk west on 35th Street to Rate Field.

Getting to LaSalle Street Station from Union Station

Cross the river and walk five blocks east on Jackson to LaSalle Street, then walk one block south to Van Buren Street. Take a Rock Island train and get off at the 35th Street/"Lou" Jones Station, then walk west on 35th Street to Rate Field.

Getting to LaSalle Street Station From Ogilvie Transportation Center

Cross the river and walk five blocks east on Madison to LaSalle Street, then walk four blocks south to Van Buren Street.