Phillies Voucher Redemption

Redeeming Voucher(s) from My Phillies Tickets

  1. Log into My Phillies Tickets and select VOUCHERS from the Home page.
  2. At the VOUCHERS PROGRAMS page, select the voucher program that want to redeem.
  3. On the Voucher Details Page, tap/click on the VOUCHER ACTIONS button at the bottom of the page. Choose “Redeem.”
  4. Select the voucher(s) and tap/click CONTINUE.
  5. Select a Voucher Eligible Game.
  6. Select your seating location from the voucher eligible seats. Add to your cart and place your order.

Forwarding Voucher(s) from My Phillies Tickets

  1. Log into My Phillies Tickets and select VOUCHERS from the Home page.
  2. At the VOUCHERS PROGRAMS page, select the voucher program that want to redeem.
  3. On the Voucher Details Page, tap/click on the VOUCHER ACTIONS button at the bottom of the page. Choose “Forward.”
  4. Choose the friend who will receive your voucher or select “Add Friend.”
  5. Tap/Click Forward Vouchers.