Phillies Voucher Redemption
Redeeming Voucher(s) from My Phillies Tickets
- Log into My Phillies Tickets and select VOUCHERS from the Home page.
- At the VOUCHERS PROGRAMS page, select the voucher program that want to redeem.
- On the Voucher Details Page, tap/click on the VOUCHER ACTIONS button at the bottom of the page. Choose “Redeem.”
- Select the voucher(s) and tap/click CONTINUE.
- Select a Voucher Eligible Game.
- Select your seating location from the voucher eligible seats. Add to your cart and place your order.
Forwarding Voucher(s) from My Phillies Tickets
- Log into My Phillies Tickets and select VOUCHERS from the Home page.
- At the VOUCHERS PROGRAMS page, select the voucher program that want to redeem.
- On the Voucher Details Page, tap/click on the VOUCHER ACTIONS button at the bottom of the page. Choose “Forward.”
- Choose the friend who will receive your voucher or select “Add Friend.”
- Tap/Click Forward Vouchers.