The Cincinnati Reds are excited to partner with Pennies for Patients and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society!
Use this page to redeem your free View Level ticket and to order additional tickets at a discounted rate for the Sunday, July 12 game against the Pittsburgh Pirates at 1:10 p.m. or the Sunday, August 2 game against the Tampa Bay Rays at 1:10 p.m.! Use the special offer code that you received via e-mail to redeem.
A portion of each additional discounted ticket purchase will benefit LLS.
Step 1: Click the "Buy Now" button.
Step 2: Type your password into the password box and click "Log In". Note: Passwords are case sensitive.
Step 3: Select one of the available sections. Click on your desired section, and then click "Select Seats From This Area".
Step 4: Click on all of the seats you wish to purchase, then click Review Your Selections.
Step 5: Under the Price Option drop down boxes, choose "Pennies for Patients Day" for the first ticket. Any additional tickets, choose "Pennies for Patients Fundraiser" from the drop down box.
Step 6: Proceed to checkout and complete your order.