Call for change: Cards speak up on social media

June 2nd, 2020

ST. LOUIS -- As the national uproar continues over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis one week ago, multiple Cardinals players have utilized their platforms to speak up about systemic racism.

They took to social media to express their thoughts and call for change across America.

Outfielder voiced his experiences, fear and frustration on Instagram and Twitter.

And Fowler’s message had an impact on his teammate, , who reached out to Fowler after reading the post.

Wainwright’s wife, Jenny, posted a photo of the couple’s adopted son, Caleb, along with a moving message about her desire to see a better world for him as he grows up.

Right-hander called out police brutality on Twitter and challenged others to make a difference.

“Have tough conversations with those closest to you, help change the system,” Flaherty wrote. “There is much to be done and we must not give up. … We are stronger together than we are apart and together we must fight to stop these injustices. Not next week, or next year. Right now!”

In another post, Flaherty wrote, “Remember the names” followed by the names of eight black Americans who were killed by police in recent years.

Second baseman took to Instagram to voice his thoughts about growing up in Hawaii and what he has learned since leaving.

Minor League pitcher also posted on Twitter.

The Cardinals issued a joint statement with the St. Louis Blues under the heading “One Nation.” It said in part that the teams “stand united in support of racial equality for all those who march peacefully to highlight and protest racism, bigotry and violence.”