SeatGeek Resale Instructions

STEP 1: Login to My A's Tickets

Login to My A's Tickets at

STEP 1: Login to My A's Tickets at
STEP 2: Click "Sell" on the left side of the screen.
STEP 2: Click "Sell" on the left side of the screen.
STEP 3: Select the tickets or parking you would like to sell. Click Continue.
STEP 3: Select the tickets or parking you would like to sell. Click Continue.
STEP 4: Click on the tickets you would like to sell on SeatGeek.
STEP 4: Click on the tickets you would like to sell on SeatGeek.
STEP 5: Click "$ Sell"
STEP 5: Click "$ Sell".
STEP 6: Fill out all of the required information.
STEP 6: Fill out all of the required information.
STEP 7: Fill out Payout method, Address, and Personal information.
STEP 7: Fill out Payout method, Address, and Personal information.
STEP 8: Fill out price per ticket and click List Tickets.
STEP 8: Fill out price per ticket and click List Tickets.