Eligibility: The New York Yankees 2020 Special Offers - Ticketmaster Verified Fan program ("Program") is open only to natural persons who are at least eighteen (18) years of age at the time of registration, and are eligible to register for a Ticketmaster account at Postseason offers are only open to natural persons who are legal residents of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. Residency will be based on credit card billing address. Orders by residents outside the viewing area will be canceled without notice and refunds given. You may be able to access and register for the Program from outside of the United States, but the Program is subject to all applicable U.S. federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Void where prohibited. In the event of a dispute as to the identity of a registrant, the authorized account holder of the account will be deemed to be the registrant. Ticketmaster may request any potential recipient to provide proof that such person is a recipient. All potential recipients are subject to verification before any ticket access code (“Code”) will be provided. Participation constitutes your full and unconditional agreement to these Program Terms and Ticketmaster's decisions, which are final and binding in all matters related to the Program. Receiving a Code is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein and is not guaranteed.

Timing: The Program begins at 10:00 AM Eastern Time (“ET”) on Jan. 21, 2020 and ends at 10:00 PM ET on or about December 31, 2020, or once all offers in the Program have been purchased, whichever comes first (“Program Period”).

Program registration begins at 10:00 AM ET on Jan. 21, 2020 and ends at 10:00 PM ET on October 9, 2020 (“Registration Period”).

Select offers will vary. To be able to participate in a select offer, registrant must have completed Program registration at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the Code distribution for the special offer.

Code distribution begins at approximately 7:00 PM ET on the evening before each special offer.

Ticketmaster's clock is the official time keeping device of the Program.

How To Participate: During the Registration Period, go to the Verified Fan registration page located at, log into your account and complete the Program registration form. If you do not already have a Ticketmaster account, you may create an account for free. You will be required to authenticate your mobile phone number via a one-time verification code will be sent to you via your mobile phone number to complete your registration. If you provide a landline provisioned to the U.S. or Canada, you will not receive a verification code and we will attempt to verify your number via another method. If you provide a phone number provisioned to another country, your registration will not be accepted.

If you register via a mobile device, you may be charged text and data rates for text messages according to the terms in your wireless calling plan. Text messaging and wireless service are not available in all areas. By signing up to complete the requested transaction by text, you authorize us to use automated technology to send messages to the mobile phone number you supply. You may receive up to 6 messages per Special Offer during the Program. You may text "STOP" to opt out of the Program or "HELP" for more information to 73767. If you text “STOP” you will be removed from the Program. Ticketmaster reserves the right to transmit one selected registrant or one non-selected registrant message to you at the conclusion of the Program.

For all registrants: You are eligible to submit up to one (1) Program registration during the Registration Period, per account, regardless of method or combination of methods of registration or number of registrations submitted. If selected, a registrant may not receive more than one (1) Code per Special Offer under this Program. Multiple registrants are not permitted to share the same mobile number, email address, registration, or other relevant account. Any attempt by you to obtain more than the stated number of registrations by using multiple/different email addresses, identities, registrations and logins, or any other methods will void your registration and you may be disqualified. Use of any automated technology or system to participate is prohibited and will result in disqualification. Any automated receipt (such as one confirming delivery of text message or email) does not constitute proof of actual receipt by Ticketmaster of your registration. Ticketmaster is not responsible for lost, late, incomplete, invalid, unintelligible or misdirected registrations, which will be disqualified. All registrations become the property of the Ticketmaster and none will be acknowledged or returned.

Program Notification and Code Distribution: You will be subject to Ticketmaster’s FanScore® verification system. Ticketmaster will distribute the Codes randomly to eligible registrants per special offer as available. If selected, you will receive an email on or about the evening before the first special offer with details and instructions about Code redemption, and an SMS on or about the evening before the first special offer with one (1) Code at approximately 7:00 PM ET via the mobile number you submitted at the time of registration for the Program. If we are unable to contact you, you forfeit the Code.

Special Offers: If you receive a Code, you will be permitted to purchase, subject to availability, a maximum number of tickets to each potential game (the "Ticket Limit") scheduled to be played at Yankee Stadium (each a "Game" and, collectively, the "Games") during the 2020 Regular Season and Postseason. Only a LIMITED number of Tickets (as determined by the New York Yankees in its sole and absolute discretion) will be made available during the offers. If selected, you will only receive one (1) Code per offer under this Program. All ticket purchases during the offers are first come, first served. You are not guaranteed the ability to purchase tickets, and access to available tickets may depend on your place in line. Lost or stolen Codes will not be replaced. Code does not include any other item or expense not specifically described in these Program Terms, and any such additional expenses are your sole responsibility. You may not sell, assign or otherwise transfer your Code to any other person or entity. You may not sell or assign any tickets you purchase to any other person or entity.

Ticketmaster's decisions as to the administration and operation of the Program and the selection of potential Code recipients, in its sole discretion, are final and binding in all matters related to the Program. Ticketmaster reserves the right to disqualify you and may refuse to provide you a Code if you are deemed to be ineligible or have violated any rule, gained unfair advantage in participating in the Program or obtained recipient status using fraudulent means.

Privacy: The information you submit during the Program registration will be collected by Ticketmaster's systems based in the United States, and such collection will be subject to applicable United States laws and Ticketmaster's privacy policy located at You may withdraw your personal data upon request; however, you will be removed from the Program and will not receive a Code if you withdraw your personal data prior to the selection of Code recipients and/or Code distribution. Your participation in this Program constitutes your consent for Ticketmaster to use your personal data to administer the Program and to share your personal data with the MLB Entities.

Errors and Unauthorized Activity: Ticketmaster is not responsible: (1) for any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by you, printing errors, or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Program; (2) for technical and/or communications malfunctions, errors or failures of any kind; (3) for unauthorized human intervention in any part of the Program; (4) for technical or human error which may occur in the administration of the Program, including registration processing; (5) for any injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from your participation in the Program or receipt or use or misuse of any Code; or (6) if the Program cannot take place or if any Code cannot be provided due to acts of war, natural disasters, weather or acts of terrorism, or other conditions outside Ticketmaster’s control. Ticketmaster reserves the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify the Program, or any part of it, if any fraud, technical failures or any other factor beyond Ticketmaster’s reasonable control impairs the integrity or proper functioning of the Program, as determined by Ticketmaster in its sole discretion. Ticketmaster reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify you if it suspects or finds you to be tampering with the registration process or the operation of the Program or to be acting in violation of these Program Terms. Any attempt by you to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the Program may be a violation of criminal and civil law, and, should such an attempt be made, Ticketmaster reserves the right to seek damages from you to the fullest extent permitted by law. Ticketmaster’s failure to enforce any term of these Program Terms shall not constitute a waiver of that provision.

Release: By participating in the Promotion, entrant (a) releases the MLB Entities (as described below), Promotion Entities, and each of their respective parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, successors, assigns, agents, representatives, officers, directors, shareholders, and employees, from any and all liability for any claims, costs, injuries, losses or damages of any kind arising in connection with the Program and the offers, including the unauthorized or illegal access to personally identifiable or sensitive data, or acceptance, possession, use, misuse or nonuse of the Code that may be provided to you; and (b) acknowledge that the foregoing parties have neither made nor are in any manner responsible or liable for any warranty, representation or guarantee, expressed or implied, in fact or in law, relative to a Code or tickets, including without limitation the quality or availability.

Disputes: As a condition of participating in the Program and the offers, you agree that: a) under no circumstances will you be permitted to obtain awards for, and you hereby waive all rights to claim, punitive, incidental, consequential, or any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses; b) all causes of action arising out of or connected with this Program or the Codes or the ticket presale provided, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, exclusively by arbitration pursuant to the Rules of the American Arbitration Association, then effective; and c) any and all claims, judgments, and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred and in no event shall you be entitled to receive attorneys' fees or other legal costs. Ticketmaster reserves the right to modify Code distribution procedures. The Program and these Program Terms, and the validity, construction, performance, and enforcement thereof, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of State of California, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules which would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of California.

Participant irrevocably waives all claims against the Major League Baseball, its member professional baseball clubs, and each of their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, shareholders, officers, directors, agents, representatives and employees (collectively, the “MLB Entities”) and agrees that the MLB Entities will have no liability or responsibility for any claim arising in connection with participation in this Sweepstakes or the prizes awarded. The MLB Entities have not offered or sponsored this Sweepstakes in any way.