Mascot Appearance Requests

Please use this form to schedule appearances by Bernie Brewer and/or the Famous Racing Sausages. Because of their popularity, it is suggested that applicants submit requests at least four weeks prior to the event, allowing at least two weeks for the approval process. All requests are subject to availability and blackout dates may apply.

  • Bernie Brewer appearance rate for Corporate/Private events is $400. The non-profit rate is $250.
  • Barrelman appearance rate for Corporate/Private events is $400. The non-profit rate is $250.
  • Racing Sausage appearance rate for Corporate/Private events is $350 per sausage. The non-profit rate is $200 per sausage.
  • The Brewers reserve the right to cancel appearances at any time and with little or no notification. You will not be charged for any mascot appearance that is not fulfilled.

Submitting this form DOES NOT guarantee a booking. A Brewers representative will contact you via email or phone to confirm your booking.

Thank you for your interest in the Milwaukee Brewers and their mascots. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

Please note that this agreement conveys no rights to purchaser in the Brewers marks, trademarks, name, or copyrights. Purchaser may not use images of the Racing Sausages, Bernie Brewer, or Barrelman for any purpose not specifically identified herein. The Brewers shall not be responsible for any damage, loss, or injury of any kind related to this appearance. Purchaser agrees that it shall reimburse the Brewers for any damage caused to the costumes by event participants or attendees.