Holiday Voucher Packs

How to Access your Holiday Pack Vouchers:
To access from a desktop:
  1. Click Redeem Vouchers
  2. Log in with your email and password
  3. Click Vouchers (left hand side)
To access from a mobile device:
  1. Tap Redeem Vouchers
  2. Log in with your email and password
  3. Tap the 3 bar icon (top right) to access the menu
  4. Tap My SF Tix and then Vouchers
How to Redeem your Holiday Pack Vouchers

Follow Access steps above, then:

  1. Select the Holiday Voucher Pack
  2. At the bottom of the voucher detail page, click Redeem or Voucher Actions
  3. Select the voucher(s) you wish to redeem and click Redeem/Continue (up to 8 vouchers can be redeemed per game)
  4. From the Ballpark Map, choose a highlighted section in your eligible seating area
  5. Click on the price (right hand side) and Add to Cart
  6. Tickets will be mobile only via the MLB Ballpark app
  7. Agree to the terms and click Place Order
  8. Access your tickets via the MLB Ballpark app. Click here for instructions
How to forward your Holiday Pack Vouchers:

Follow Access steps above, then:

  1. Select the Holiday Voucher Pack
  2. At the bottom of the voucher detail page, click Voucher Actions and select Forward
  3. Select the voucher(s) you wish to forward and click Continue (vouchers can only be forwarded to one recipient at a time)
  4. Select a friend or click Add Friend (bottom of the page)

After a friend has been selected, click Forward Vouchers. The recipient will be sent instructions on how to access

Holiday Voucher Packs and tickets redeemed with vouchers are not available to ticket brokers or ticket resellers. Vouchers can be redeemed into 70 Giants home games during the 2022 season, subject to availability. Tickets may not be resold or otherwise distributed to individuals not personally associated with the ticket purchaser. The sale, attempted sale or transfer of tickets redeemed through this offer in violation of this policy is prohibited. Tickets redeemed in violation of this policy will be revoked without refund.